Welcome to Emanant
By drawing on the wisdom of your own autonomic nervous system, we seek to embrace the relationship between your head, heart, and gut - to utilize all of the body's wisdom in pursuit of your purpose.
Coaching |
Kinesiology |
Coaching is centered in the use of mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Technique), a neurologically based Coaching strategy that achieves deep alignment across one's neural centers - ultimately synchronizing thinking, doing, being in pursuit of your purpose.
Systematic Kinesiology as a discipline on its own has the ability to reveal all types of imbalances in the body, using the body itself as the instrument of laboratory analysis.
All the Tools You Need to Thrive
At Emanant, we co-create each session together, choosing for a 'pure' Coaching session, a 'pure' Kinesiology session, or a true combination of both based on the presenting challenges. Each person is individual and may Emerge from their 'stuck state' in different ways, which is why we draw on strategies from discussion to a purely somatic experience, and allow the body to do the talking. You choose.
Whether you are struggling with:
Goal Setting | Focus, Memory, Learning | Fatigue or Overall Energy & Balance | Gut & Bowel Issues | Hormonal Challenges | Migraines | Eating Issues | Anxiety, Fear, Phobias | Pain Emanant may be the place for you! |
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Victor Frankl